Rules & Constitution


(updated April 2023)

1) The Society shall be named the Rochdale Walton Angling Society

2) Rochdale Walton Angling Society is a not for profit unincorporated association

3) The objectives of the Society are: –

(1) To extend the art of angling to both able bodied and disabled anglers
(2) To environmentally provide, protect and maintain facilities for anglers and the general public.

4) The Society shall have the following officers: –

a) A President
b) A Secretary
c) A Treasurer
d) A Match Secretary
e) A Fisheries Officer
f) Four Bailiffs

g) Social media Officer

h) Armed forces officer

i) Junior / intermediate representive

Any member wishing to be appointed onto the committee MUST be willing to undertake a Enhanced DBS, Registered Safeguarding course, first aid course. They must also attend Lets fish events, Opendays hosted by the club and any work parties that are scheduled.

These officers are to be elected annually by the members of the Society at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) with the exception of the Match Secretary, Fisheries Officer and bailiffs who shall be appointed for a period of two years, two years and five years respectively. (All commitments of the outgoing Match Secretary shall be carried forward by the incoming Match Secretary).

The Society shall also appoint at the AGM two members who shall act as auditors on behalf of the members. These positions are not officers of the Society and are, therefore not eligible to receive an honorarium.

Nominations for these positions must be made in writing to the Secretary by February 28th.

The Societies affairs shall be managed by a Committee which shall consist of six members plus the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Fisheries Officer and four Bailiffs. This Committee will be chaired by the President, or in his absence, by a Vice-Chairman elected from within the Committee at its first meeting following the AGM. Three of the Committee to retire annually and are eligible for re-election at the AGM. The President, Secretary and Treasurer on leaving office are automatically elected Ex-Officio Committee members for the next year to ensure continuity of Society affairs.

Any six of the Committee or Officers to form a Quorum. On the death or resignation of any Officer or Committee member, he must be replaced by a member of the Society proposed and seconded at the next members meeting and voted for by the members present at that meeting.

The Society may appoint at any time a member to a temporary position to fulfil a specific task e.g. working party manager, these temporary positions will last for a specified period and will not be officers of the Society.


The President – To take charge of and ensure correct procedures at meetings.

The Secretary – To keep a record of all proceedings and at each meeting to read out the minutes of the last appropriate meeting and to submit the same for confirmation.
To take any action necessary in accordance with decisions made by the Society and generally conduct the business of the Society.
To be responsible for the maintenance of an up-to-date constitution, to ensure a copy of the latest (as amended) constitution is available at every meeting and to be responsible for the periodic issue of the constitution to all current members.

Treasurer – To keep a record of all receipts and payments which can be referred to at any meeting and to produce a current cash statement at each of the members meetings and a balance sheet at the AGM.
To be responsible for the arrangement of suitable banking facilities and for the security of Society funds at all times.
Any requests for finance in excess of £25.00 will not be considered by the Treasurer without prior Committee approval. Lesser amounts can be authorised at the Treasurers discretion.

Auditors – To check the financial records of the Society on behalf of the members and to audit the accounts of the Society prior to the production of the AGM balance sheet.

The Match Secretary – To organise a programme of club matches, inter-club matches and trips to other waters.
To arrange presentation of Society trophies and be responsible for all match records and equipment including the retrieval of all trophies by 1st March each year, their subsequent engraving and for the purchase of replicas prior to presentation within the financial limits set by the Committee.
The Match Secretary shall be aware at all times of the location of all trophies and any trophies not competed for shall be handed to the Secretary for safe keeping.

Bailiffs – To patrol, on a regular basis, Society waters and remove non-members and members who are found to be misbehaving. The bailiffs are requested to collect any litter whilst patrolling Society waters.
Any member of the Society found to be in breach of Society rules shall be reported by the bailiffs to the Secretary as soon as possible, who may then request that the member attends the next meeting of the Committee to answer for his behaviour.
Any signs of pollution or fish in distress must be reported to the Secretary and/or the Fisheries Officer immediately. (In their absence the incident should be reported to another Committee member.)

Fisheries Officer – To be responsible for the management of all Society waters including stock ponds including the purchase, transfer and disposal of fish in accordance with Society decisions and Environment Agency (EA.) advice and recommendations, including ensuring all necessary authorisations and documentation regarding fish movements are in place in advance of actual movement.

To maintain on behalf of the Society an up-to-date fish stock register and to make such available at all members meetings.
To act as liaison between the Society and the EA. in respect of all fishery management issues, and in accordance with decisions of the Committee arrange periodic nettings of Society waters.
To monitor club waters and accept reports from the bailiffs regarding signs of pollution and fish in distress and liaise with the EA. if problems occur, and to act on their advice in the case of an emergency where it is not possible to convene a Committee meeting.

Committee – To take charge of the affairs of the Society on behalf of the members and at all times to act within the framework of the constitution. The Committee shall have particular responsibility for ensuring the enforcement of rules and all disciplinary matters.
The Committee in consideration of all Society matters shall make recommendations to the members regarding a particular course of action, the financial element of which cannot be exceeded without further Committee consideration.

Social Media officer – To update the clubs website on a regular basis and report any issues. To maintain close contact on all social media platforms and promote the club.

Armed forces officer – To form a link between armed forces serving members and veterans. To ensure these members have a voice within the committee. To update the club on any issue from these members.

All officers are required to submit a report to all members meetings (including the AGM).

5) THE MEMBERSHIP the club current does not have a limit on the number of anglers.
Members over the age of 65 shall be charged the current OAP rate of subscription. Disabled members, on production of a valid certificate shall be entitled to a discount of 50% on the appropriate subscription rate.

New members must be proposed and seconded by an existing member who has at least three years continuous membership of the Society and are expected to attend any Committee meeting called to admit them. At that meeting they must pay the appropriate annual subscription rate plus an entry fee the amount of which will be decided at each AGM. If a prospective new member cannot find such a proposer and seconder as described above, they may attend a Committee meeting where the application will be considered.

Minimum age for membership of the junior section is 12 years. From January 2008, new junior members will be allowed membership without having to be a relative of an existing senior member. From April 2014 AGM, junior members no longer need to be accompanied by an adult.
Intermediate Members are from 16-18 years old and are charged the same rate as juniors.

Minimum age for membership of the senior section is 19 years.

Serving UK Armed forces, Registered Veterans and Emergency services workers will be charge at £30 per year

Family and educational packages are available on request from the club treasure.


(a) Annual General Meeting – Last Monday in April . Only fully paid up members (see standing orders 3(a) are eligible to attend and vote.

(b) Members meetings :- 2 per year.

2nd Monday in February. (Last date for subscription renewal)
Last Monday in April (AGM).

These dates are subject to change at the discretion of the Secretary and / or the Committee. Members will be notified by newsletter of the dates, time and venue of the above meetings.

7) Extra Ordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) – May be called by a majority decision of the Committee or by a proposal supported by 5/8ths of the members of the Society. 28 days notice in writing must be given by the Secretary.

At any meeting of the Society the President (if present) will chair the meeting. If the President is absent from the meeting the Vice-Chairman (if present) shall chair the meeting. If circumstances where both are absent another senior member chosen from those present shall chair the meeting.

Committee Meetings – These will take place at least five times per annum but may be called at any time depending on the circumstances.

The attached schedules shall be read in conjunction with the Constitution and shall be enforced as if part off the Constitution itself.

a) Standing Orders
b) Regulations governing Society waters
c) Water Authority regulations
d) Rules governing Society matches
e) AGM decisions currently in force



1) Procedures and Etiquette at Meetings

The President will act as Chairman at all meetings and should under normal circumstances, start the meeting promptly.

The Secretary is expected to organise a suitable venue for the meeting and take notes.

The Treasurer is expected to attend all meetings and to present an up to date financial report for consideration. He will submit the previous financial years report to the Committee meeting prior to the AGM. At the AGM he will have a detailed financial statement duplicated for distribution to members present.

The Committee members are expected to attend all members meetings. They are to accept majority decisions of the Committee and must not speak or vote against a Committee decision in a general meeting although they have the right to abstain.

The eight Officials and Committee (the quorum to be six) would not be expected to relate, outside a Committee meeting, how a fellow member argued or voted, nor to relate the voting figures in any decision. The Secretary, if so requested by the member, may record in the minutes the name of the member and the way he voted. Officials and Committee members must not relate any matters regarding R.W.A.S. with Officials or members of any other society. They are expected to discuss and explain the Society policy and promote relations between the Committee and Society members.

(2) Order of Meetings

The President will open the meeting and make any comment he may think relevant to the occasion. He will then ask the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, and if accepted as a true record, will move on to the reading of any correspondence and the giving of Officers reports. The President will then deal with each item on the agenda. Should shortage of time become an issue the President shall have discretion to change the order of the agenda. At the end of the formal agenda the President will allow time for discussion of relevant matters under Any Other Business (AOB).

It is accepted that general discussion would occur on any item on the agenda, or any proposal being made. The Proposer may speak for a maximum of five minutes, the Seconder may then speak for a maximum of three minutes the number of members allowed to speak for or against the matter being at the Chairman’s discretion, but must allow for equality of discussion. Before any vote is taken, the original proposer may reply to the opposition and sum up for a period of three minutes, the Chairman will provide a final summing up and clarify any uncertainties.

If an amendment follows the proposal a similar procedure of speaking will be followed.

It is expected that the Chairman will strike a balance between allowing full expression of thought on the subject, on reaching a decision in keeping with the feelings of a majority on the members present and making progress in relation to time.
The original motion is Proposed, Seconded and Debated

Amendment No 1 is Moved, Seconded and Debated
Amendments to that amendment are Proposed, Seconded and Debated. Each is voted upon in turn and the final amended version of amendment No 1 is set aside to be voted against the original motion later.

Amendment No 2 is Moved, Seconded and Debated
Amendments to that amendment are Proposed, Seconded and Debated. Each is voted upon in turn and the final amended version of amendment No 2 is set aside to be voted against the original motion later.

This process to continue until there are no further amendments.

These final amendments are then put to the vote in order, any amendments which are passed are embodied in the original motion, which in turn is read in its amended form before being voted on.

(Any amendments which change the emphasis of the original motion will not be allowed, and must be put forward as a proposal in their own right).

All votes to be decided by a simple majority of the members present eligible to vote. In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

(3) Fundamentals of the Constitution

The financial year of the Society is from 1st January to 31st December inclusive, and subscriptions become due for renewal on 1st January. Members are given until the February members meeting to renew subscriptions. Any person not having paid by that time will be deemed to have resigned from the Society and will have to reapply for membership in the normal manner (in cases where there is a waiting list his name will be added to the end) , which will include payment of the appropriate joining fee.

On acceptance of membership, an applicant automatically agrees to abide by the Society’s rules and any undertaking given by the Society as a condition of any lease arrangement it enters into.

Members must abide by the Standing Orders covering the conduct of meetings

Any member putting his name forward for a function shall pay the appropriate deposit and balance in full whether he attends or not.

During their term of office, the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Fisheries Officer, Bailiffs and social media officer may be voted an honorarium at the AGM. Committee members not receiving an honorarium, receive free membership.

All proposals regarding any change of rules and/or standing orders and any nominations for election of officers/committee must be submitted to the Secretary in writing by 28th February to be sure of inclusion on the agenda for the AGM.

The Constitution (including supporting schedules) can only be introduced, amended or revoked at the AGM or at an EGM.



(1) The close season, for fishing, (if any) shall be determined at the AGM. There is no close season

(2) Rochdale Walton Angling society has a full keep net ban unless fishing in an organised RWAS match.

(a) Only club purchased official keep nets are allowed in club matches are will be issued on the day of the match. These will be collected and given out by the match secretary.
(b) Landing nets, members are permitted to use their own landing nets but must ensure they have be dipped and dried prior to use.

(3) No fishing allowed on the designated stock ponds at Healey Dell.

(4) Healey Dell – When space available members must use the designated car park. When full, cars should be parked in the mill yard. Under no circumstances must cars be parked in the proximity of the houses in Healey Dell.
All members to be in possession of a gate key and all gates must be secured on passing through.

(5) No members allowed on Healey Dell water between Dusk and Dawn without prior permission of the Secretary except bailiffs on official business.

(6) Members must carry their National Rivers Authority licence and membership cards at all times with a
photograph on the inside cover, signed through by the member. National Rivers Authority licences and membership cards must be produced on suitable request by a bailiff, other member and/or Environment Agency bailiff, who may also ask to inspect any item of tackle. Failure to produce any requested documentation may result in expulsion from the waters.

Identification cards must also be displayed in a prominent position to assist the Bailiffs. All identification cards and keys remain the property of the Society and must be returned to the Secretary on resignation from the Society.

(7) Each senior member is permitted two day tickets per day maximum and these must be obtained prior to fishing. The price of day tickets is fixed at the AGM. Visitors under day tickets must be accompanied by a member at all times. Junior members are not allowed day ticket guests and under no circumstances are allowed to invite non members onto Society waters.

(8) The removal of any fish from Society waters is prohibited, except for PIKE which MUST be removed if caught or when netted. All trout, regardless of size to be returned to the water. On no account must trout be retained in a keep-net.

(9) All members must be in possession of and use an appropriately sized landing net at all times. On Syke a 42 – 50 inch net should be used.

(10) No litter to be left on the banks. Persistent offenders will be expelled from the Society. Members must remove all litter on vacating the peg whether left by them or not.

(11) Members must fish from designated pegs and on no account should the bank be disturbed to facilitate fishing.

(12) No foul or abusive language to be used on the Society waters.

(13) a maximum of 2 rod to be used on Society waters and a maximum one hook per rod.

(14) No person to be in possession of any air rifle or similar weapon on or around any water or land controlled by the Society. Only named persons that have committee approval to carry this weapons for the purpose of predator prevention.

(15) Use of cereal groundbait at Healey Dell shall be limited to no more than 1kg per session due to the shallow nature of the water.

(16) It is prohibited to dispose of any surplus bait or groundbait into any of the Society’s waters.

(17) The last Saturday of each month is a full club working party. Each member must attend at least 2 working parties per years.

(18) Only barbless hooks to be used at all times on Society waters.

(19) No tins containing baits such as luncheon meat, sweetcorn etc, to be taken onto Society waters, baits of this nature must be transferred to bait boxes prior to fishing.

(20) No improvement works to be carried out on Society’s land or water unless part of an organised working party or specifically approved by the Committee or nominated working party organiser prior to the commencement of the work.

(21) Net dips (where provided) to be used at all times for all landing nets.

(22) All fish must be unhooked from the landing net and a specialist unhooking mat. No fish to be unhooked using a dry towel, by placing on ground or fishing platform.

(23) If in a minority of circumstances, it is necessary to photograph fish, the fish must be kept out of the water for the minimum time period necessary to take a single photograph. On no account must fish be carried around the water for “public” viewing.

(24) Where a match is contested by eight or less competitors, pleasure angling will be allowed after the draw has taken place, provided that pleasure anglers position themselves at least two (2) pegs away from the nearest competitor.

(25) No water shall be closed to pleasure angling during sweepstakes and no restrictions to apply as to where pleasure anglers may position themselves.

(26) Minimum hook length 1.7 lb at all times on all Society waters.

(27) Any proposal to relinquish control of or sell an RWAS fishery must be supported by a minimum of 75% of the RWAS membership at that time in a written ballot in order for the proposal to be passed.

(28) Any proposal to merge with another society or societies must be supported by a minimum of 75% of RWAS membership at that time in a written ballot in order for the proposal to be passed.

(29) Stink bags to carry nets are banned at both our waters.

(30) Open fires are banned at both our waters. Any member found with an open fire will be asked to leave and face a committee ban.

(31)No member may bring any item to either of our waters without committee approval.

(32)Any member found in breach of club rules will be invited in front of the committee fot a hearing and may be expelled from RWAS.

(33) Minimum age for membership of junior section is 8 years old. Any junior member under 12yrs Must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian when on RWAS land or waters. Nominal fee of £1 to cover insurance of parent or guardian.

(34) Lock both locks on any gates or doors, no climbing over gates or fences, close and fasten all gates on RWAS land.

(35)No giving key, gate or door codes to non-members or posting it on social media.

(36)No non members to be taken across farmers field at Syke including pegs 1-10.

(37)No dogs to be taken across farmers field at syke including peg 1-10.

(38)No disposable BBQ’s on either of our club waters

(39)No night fishing at Syke or Healey dell without permission from the club Secretary.

(40) No Alcohol, illegal or illicit drugs on or around any of RWAS waters or land.

(41) Strictly no litter or any items of any sort to be left on or around the boundary of our waters, all litter must be removed. This includes litter, nylon line, weights, cans, bottles and any other items. Members must take home all litter and items within 10 yards of their peg even if it is not yours. This makes members responsible for picking up litter or items before and after fishing. It will not be an excuse to say it is not yours. No donations without written permission from the committee and fishery officer, any item left on or around our waters will be regarded as fly tipping or fly posting, environmental act 1990. Members will also be responsible for any day ticket holders or guests they bring with regards to any rules. Please take your litter home.

(42) The president shall be offered an honorarium as part of his role. Equal to free fishing for that year.

(43) Serving emergency service blue light staff (fire, police, ambulance) be admitted at the same fee as serving armed forces. This is to help with health and well being and aid recovery from PTSD symptoms. The applicant must show evidence of their current service to enable the discount.

(44) We will introduce a canal only membership for £10 and £3 for day ticket. These members will only be allowed to fish the canal and not the other RWAS waters.

(45) Spinning is permitted on Syke large water only. It shall be with 1 barbless hook and one rod only. Etiquette and consideration for other anglers should be used towards other anglers.

(46) The use of bite alarms on our waters should be at a minimum not to annoy other anglers. The setting should be low or on a vibrate only.

(47) The use of luncheon meat, bloodworm and 10mm bodies is now permitted in club matches.

(48) That the head of coaching and junior representative  will receive an honorarium to the amount a years membership.

Large Water at Syke – Carp Rules

  • 32″ Min Net
  • Padded unhooking mat required
  • Barbless hooks ONLY, no fine wire match hooks, carp hooks only size 10 min size 6 max
  • No fixed leads / feeders, the lead / feeder must be able to detach in the event of a breakage.
  • 12lb Min breaking strain line
  • No standing with fish, all fish must be returned to the water via net or sling promptly.
  • 2 rod limit on the same peg. no rods on unattached pegs.
  • No rods to be left unattended
  • Members Must be in possession of a carp care kit.
  • No U16’s unless accompanied by an adult member, Adult member to ratio of 2kids to 1 member.
  • No litter, anyone found to littering will be removed from the society
  • Rig checks will be carried out by members of the committee, anyone found with dangerous rigs will be removed from the society.
  • Gates must be locked at all times no exceptions.
  • Night fishing by prior arrangement by either Alan or Gary.



• Fishing must be by rod and line only.

• Members must not pollute any waters and/or steams.

• Member must be in possession of a current licence issued by the National Rivers Authority for fishing with rod and line.

• Members must be in possession of a club membership card when fishing on club waters.




1) The Match Secretary shall present his match calendar for the forthcoming season to the February Committee meeting for approval prior to formal issue by the Secretary.

2) The Match Secretary shall honour any commitments entered into by the preceding Match Secretary in respect of match venues booked and / or peg fees paid.

3) At match venues subject to pre-booking and / or pre-payment, a maximum of fifteen (15) pegs may be booked and or paid for in advance by the Society. The Match Secretary shall be responsible for seeking and co-ordinating nominations which must be accompanied by the appropriate peg fee and will be on a first come first served basis. Any spare pegs, two weeks before the match may be made available to non members of the Society to recoup peg fees.

Where pegs are booked and not paid for the club member (regardless of whether he fished the match) is responsible and will not be eligible to fish further matches until any outstanding fees are paid in full.

Where insufficient numbers are nominated for the match (including non-members) it shall be the responsibility of those fishing to meet the full cost of any booking fees paid in advance by the Society.

4) Fishing is not permitted on a water to be used for a match listed in the Match Calendar that day, except where the match is an evening or night match when pleasure fishing must cease one and a half hours before the scheduled commencement of any match listed in the match calendar.

5) The Match Secretary is responsible for all arrangements and his decision on the day is final.

6) Any competitor shall have recourse to the next Committee meeting should he not be satisfied with the
Match Secretary’s decision.

7) The Match Secretary will organise a suitable pool with a 100% pay out as follows depending on numbers entering the pool.

a) Up to seven (7) persons having paid pools 100% to winner
b) Between eight (8) and eleven (11) 60% to winner, 40% to second
c) In excess of eleven (11) 50% to winner, 30% to second, 20% to third

8) The Match Secretary to have pegs marked out at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the match and the draw for the pegs and payment of pools to take place at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the match.

9) Each competitor on drawing his number shall proceed to the corresponding number on the bank and this will be considered his fishing ground where he will fish. The peg must remain in position until the weigh-in is complete.

10) Competitors may receive assistance to or from their peg, or both, for themselves or their tackle, or both

11) Every competitor must fish from within one yard of an imaginary line between his peg number and the adjoining peg.
A competitor must restrict his activities strictly to these boundaries. Neither his person, his tackle, his hookbaits or groundbaits shall intrude into his neighbours swim. A competitor must not cause annoyance or seek to interfere with any other competitor during the course of the match.

12) No competitor may move his peg or exchange his peg or draw another peg without the Match Secretary’s consent.

13) Competitors must take every practical step to keep their fish alive and, after weighing them, must ensure their careful return to the water. If, for any reason fish are seen to be is distress , a competitor or Match Secretary has the right to demand that they be weighed immediately and returned to the water during the course of the match.

14) A competitor must use only one rod and line at any one time but may have other rods and tackles assembled for use provided such other tackles are not baited. On the tackle in use, the competitor must not have more than one hook. No treble or double hooks of any kind are permitted.

15) No competitor shall have live or dead fish in his possession before a match. All competitors must submit to a search if requested by the Match Secretary.

16) Before the starting signal no competitor must on any account groundbait or loose feed the swim but will be allowed to :-
-Plumb the depth and test the float
-mix and wet groundbait
-clear his fishing ground of weeds or obstructions
-position his keep-net

On no account must a feeder be used to plumb the depth before the stating signal.

17) All groundbait (including loose feed) must be thrown in by hand, or by use of catapults, throwing sticks, swim feeders, bait droppers and bait cups. No other mechanical means of introducing groundbait is allowed. All excess groundbait to be taken away from Society waters.

18) A competitor must strike, play and land his own fish.

19) After the starting signal a competitor may wade provided that the water does not extend above his knees, unless he can touch their own bank with fingertips.

20) No competitor shall leave his peg at any time during the match other than to answer a call of nature and then must not leave a baited hook in the water. At the end of the match , a competitor must remain at his peg until his catch has been weighed unless he has been detailed for weighing duties. Any competitor so detailed must have a witness to the weighing of his own catch.

21) A competitor must cease fishing at the finishing signal. Should he still be playing a fish hooked before the signal was given , he will be allowed a maximum of fifteen minutes to land the said fish.

22) All fish caught are eligible to be weighed with the exception of game fish and crustaceans. Any fish suspected of being weighted or any fish considered suspicious by the Match Secretary will not be weighed.

23) All fish to be weighed at the competitors peg or as close to the peg as bankside terrain allows. No fish to be carried unnecessary distances to facilitate weighing.

25) Competitors are responsible for ensuring their peg is clear of all litter (whether brought by them or not), no competitor will be allowed to weigh his catch until his peg his clear.

26) All the foregoing rules are subject to amendment to comply to the bye-laws of the Environment Agency in whose area the match is being fished.

27) All fundamentals of the constitution and its supporting schedules shall be adhered to by all Competitors.

28) It is the responsibility of all competitors to acquaint themselves with the match rules prior to fishing a match. Ignorance of the rules will not be an acceptable defence.

29) All holders of trophies must, on presentation of them, give a written guarantee for their safety and shall undertake to return the same to the Match Secretary by 1st March in a clean and presentable condition. In the case of a trophy held by more than one individual (Team trophy, Pairs Trophy) All individuals are obliged by this rule.

30) The winner of the Club championship Trophy will be awarded a complementary season ticket for the following season. A replica trophy will be presented to the runner-up in the Club Championship.

31) The points system used to determine the Club Champion shall be as follows:-

1st = 10 points 5th = 6 points 9th = 2 points
2nd = 9 points 6th = 5 points 10th = 1 point
3rd = 8 points 7th = 4 points
4th = 7 points 8th = 3 point

32) All club matches shall count towards the Club Championship.

33) The Club Championship to be decided on a competitors best fifteen (10) results over the course of a season.

34) The first match of the season shall be the John Kirkland Memorial Trophy and shall be fished on or as near as practically possible to the 20th June in accordance with the wishes of the widow of the former member.

35) The second match of the season shall be the Workers Match and only those members whose names appear on the list held by the Treasurer will be allowed to fish this match as a reward for their time previously given to the Society. (not currently in force)..

36) The Pairs Trophy shall be fished either over the duration of the season or as a single match, but will be decided on a points basis (as used to determine the Championship) to prevent one person winning.

37) When match fishing and the peg next to you is vacant, you may fish to the nearest leg of the peg and no further.


a) President Gary Eaton
b) Secretary Alan Knowles
c) Treasurer Vacancy
d) Match Secretary Mark Fairley
e) Fisheries Officer Matthew Knowles. 

f) Social Media & Membership Officer Danniel Eaton
g) Bailiffs Matt Knowles
John Mooney
Mark Fairleyh) Child welfare and safe guarding Gary Eaton / Matt Knowles
i) Veterans Liaison Caen Matthews
j)Club Auditors John Lord
Peter Woodhouse

k) General members Scott Mansley, Chris Finn, Sam Taylor, Mick Dodman, Cain Blackburn (Junior and Intermediate rep).


  1. All anglers fishing on RWAS waters must have in their possession at all times, a valid Environmental Agency Rod Licence and present it to EA or RWAS bailiffs upon request.


  1. All anglers fishing on RWAS waters must have in their possession at all times their signed membership card with photo attached (or a valid, signed day ticket) and present it to EA or RWAS bailiffs upon request. In the event of a member losing their membership card, replacements can be obtained from the treasurer. You will not be entitled to fish unless you have a valid membership card with photo attached.


  1. Each senior member is permitted two day tickets per day maximum and these must be obtained prior to fishing. The price of day tickets is fixed at the AGM. Visitors under day tickets must be accompanied by a member at all times and abide by all society rules.


  1. Juniors (under 12 years of age) must always be accompanied by an adult when on RWAS premises. Junior members are not allowed to bring/accompany day ticket guests and under no circumstances are allowed to invite non-members onto Society waters other than the accompanying adult.


  1. Healey Dell – When space available members must use the designated car park. When full, cars can be be parked in the mill yard. Under no circumstances must cars be parked in the proximity of the houses in Healey Dell.


  1. All members to be in possession of a gate key and all gates must be closed and locked on passing through. Under no circumstances must the combination to the locks be shared with non-members or posted on social media. In the event of a member losing their gate key, replacements can be obtained from the treasurer.


  1. The close season, for fishing, (if any) shall be determined at the AGM.             (There is currently no close season enforced on RWAS waters)


  1. Fishing must be by rod and line, pole or whip only.


  1. Members must fish from designated pegs and on no account should the bank be disturbed to facilitate fishing.


  1. No fishing allowed on the designated stock/fry ponds at Healey Dell, unless authorised by the Fisheries Officer for the transfer of stock fish to the main water.


  1. All anglers must be in possession of a suitable landing net at all times (Buckley wood a minimum 32inc net is required). Landing nets must be dipped and dried before fishing, where facilities are available.


  1. RWAS has a keep net ban in effect on all waters, unless fishing in an organised RWAS match. Only RWAS owned keep nets are allowed in official matches and will be issued on the day of the match. These will be collected and given out by the match secretary.


  1. Stink bags to carry lading nets are banned on all RWAS waters.


  1. All anglers must be in possession of a suitable disgorger.


  1. Barbless hooks to be used at all times on all RWAS waters.


  1. Maximum permitted hook size, is size 10 on all RWAS waters.


  1. Minimum hook length breaking strain is 1.7Lb (0.77Kg) on all RWAS waters.


  1. Maximum of 2 rods per angler (except juniors – 1 rod only) to be used on RWAS waters and a maximum one hook per rod.


  1. No unattended rods, no double hooking, all legers and swim feeding must be free running, STRICTLY NO BOLT RIGS.


  1. Use of cereal ground bait at Healey Dell shall be limited to no more than (2.2lb) 1kg per session due to the shallow nature of the water.


  1. All bait (including loose feed) must be thrown in by hand, or by use of catapults, throwing sticks, swim feeders, bait droppers and bait cups. No other mechanical means of introducing ground bait is allowed.


  1. All excess ground bait to be taken away from society waters.


  1. No ground baiting with boilies.


  1. Jokers barred from club waters


  1. No floating baits to be used as free offerings/loose feed, including dog biscuits.


  1. All fish must be unhooked from the landing net or on a dedicated/specialist unhooking mat. No fish to be unhooked using a dry towel, by placing on ground or fishing platform. If in a minority of circumstances, it is necessary to photograph fish, the fish must be kept out of the water for the minimum time period necessary. Taking photos of fish must be done with the upmost of care. The fish should be held with 2 hands and be as close to the ground as possible. On no account must fish be carried around the water for “public” viewing or allowed to ‘flap on the stones’. Each member must carry Propolis or equivalent to treat scale lift on the carp.


  1. The removal of any fish from RWAS waters is prohibited, except for PIKE which MUST be removed if caught or when netted. All trout, regardless of size to be returned to the water. On no account must trout be retained in a keep-net.


  1. No live fish to be brought to RWAS waters for any purpose.


  1. No litter to be left on the banks. Persistent offenders will be expelled from the Society. Members must remove all litter on vacating their peg whether left by them or not.


  1. No tins containing baits such as luncheon meat, sweetcorn etc. to be taken onto RWAS waters, baits of this nature must be transferred to bait boxes prior to fishing.


  1. No foul or abusive language to be used on RWAS waters.


  1. The consumption of alcohol and/or taking of drugs is strictly prohibited on all RWAS premises.


  1. Open fires (including disposable BBQ’s) are banned on all RWAS premises.


  1. Fishing is not permitted on a water to be used for a match listed in the Match Calendar that day, except where the match is an evening or night match when pleasure fishing must cease one and a half hours before the scheduled commencement of any match listed in the match calendar. (Please see this seasons Match Calendar for details on the date and times of match fixtures)


  1. No water shall be closed to pleasure angling during sweepstakes and no restrictions to apply as to where pleasure anglers may position themselves.


  1. No members/fishing allowed on Healey Dell water between Dusk and Dawn without prior permission, except RWAS bailiffs on official business.


  1. No person to be in possession of any air rifle or similar weapon on or around any water or land controlled by RWAS. Only named persons that have committee approval to carry this weapons for the purpose of predator prevention. (A signed permission letter must be carried at all times)


  1. No works to be carried out on Society’s land or water unless part of an organised working party or specifically approved by the Committee or nominated working party organiser prior to the commencement of the work.


  1. No member shall bring/remove any item except their fishing equipment to/from any of our waters without prior committee approval.


  1. Members must not pollute any waters and/or streams. Any signs of pollution or fish in distress must be reported to the Secretary and/or the Fisheries Officer immediately. (In their absence the incident should be reported to another Committee member.)


  1. The last Saturday of each month is a full club working party. Each member must attend at least 2 working parties per years
  2. Failure to have the correct equipment when fishing at our waters Will result in you being asked to leave the venue and will be reported to the committee for further action
  3.  It is your responsibility as a member of RWAS to make yourself aware of these rules. Please note that the general rules may be amended and updated at any time by the committee.ANY INFRINGEMENT OF THE RULES WILL BE REPORTED TO THE COMMITTEE AND MAY LEAD TO LOSS OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP.
  4. Spinning is permitted on the large water at syke from the 1st October until 1st March. This will be a single barbless hook and one rod only. Please be respectful of other people fishing on the water.
  5. Bite alarms are permitted on the waters but must be on low or vibrate only. Please be respectful of other anglers on the waters. This is on both Healey dell and Syke.
  6. Bloodworm, 10mm boils and luncheon meat are permitted within matches.